Desire (Desire, Book 1) - By Missy Johnson Page 0,2

will drop them past tomorrow, if that’s okay? I wanted to speak with you first, before bringing them here.” I nodded, my anxiety subsiding.

It wasn’t like I had much of a choice. How the hell was I going to cope with a five year old and a hormone driven fifteen year old? I remembered being fifteen, and it wasn’t pretty. The thought of caring for fifteen year old me made me nauseous.

“Right. Well, I better get back to work. It was nice to meet you, Kaitlin.” I made a face at the sound of my name.

“Kait. Please call me Kait.” I hated my name. Nobody ever got away with calling me by my full name. Not even attractive detectives, with strong tanned arms and hard flat stomachs, and stunning brown eyes.

“Right. Kait.” He smiled, opening the door. He turned back suddenly, “Kait? You’ll do fine. I know this seems huge, but you’ll do fine. I can tell you are a strong girl.” I smiled as he walked down the hall, away from my apartment. I wished I was as sure as he was.

Chapter Two

Most of the night was spent tossing and turning. I was so nervous, seeing my brother and sister again. How was I going to look after them, and study?

I was so close to finishing my international business degree. I’d worked so hard to put myself through college, earning a full scholarship. Caring for two children kind of threw a monkey wrench in the works. My shifts at the cafe weren’t going to work. I’d need to be home for both of them after school. A morning job wouldn’t help either, because I needed to be around to take them to school. My head ached from trying to absorb everything.

My alarm sounded just after 8am, at the same time, my phone began to ring. Shutting off the alarm, I grabbed the phone.


“Hi Kait, its Devon.” I found myself smiling. His voice was even sexier than I remembered.

“Hi.” I murmured, trying my best to keep my voice neutral.

“I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“No, the alarm beat you by about ten seconds.” I quipped. He laughed his wonderfully sexy laugh.

“I’m glad some of us get to sleep in.” He joked.

“You actually think eight is a sleep in?” I struggled to even comprehend that.

“When you have to be up by six every morning, trust me. Eight’s a sleep in.” He laughed again, sending my insides crazy. “I just wanted to let you know I will be past with the children at 2pm.”

“Okay. Thanks.” Hanging up the phone, I laid back in the bed and threw the covers over my head, again trying to comprehend what the hell was I supposed to do with two kids. When I couldn’t put it off any longer, I dragged myself out of bed. The first thing I needed to do was speak to Ara.

Ara looked up from her bowl of cereal. “Hey. You look wrecked.” She commented, sliding down the cereal to my end of the table.

“Thanks. And thanks.” I added, sinking into the seat. I filled the bowl to the brim with rice crispies.

“What’s wrong?”

I didn’t even know how to say it. “My mother has disappeared.” I finally said. Ara stared at me, shocked. Her pretty features scrunched up in concern. Even first thing in the morning, she was beautiful.

Ara was the only girl I knew who could spend less than two minutes getting ready in the morning and still look hot. With my red, baggy eyes and wayward hair I looked like a Halloween edition troll doll in the morning. My all-time highlight was following a one night stand, when the guy woke up and gasped when he saw me.

Yes, gasped. And not in a good way.

“What?” I stared at Ara, who looked on the verge of tears. My mother was missing and she’s the one crying? That was Ara, always emotional. I had no idea how she managed to cope with a long distance relationship with a boy who was in the army.

Seeing Devon on the doorstep last night, my first thought had been for Luke, Ara’s boyfriend. The worst thing was that I actually felt relief when I realized he was there for me. That either says I’m a great friend or a bad daughter.

Or maybe both.

“Yes. Disappeared. A detective came past last night. My brother and sister have nowhere to go.” I was still struggling to comprehend what was happening, “They will be here today. I will be out of