That Carrington Magic - By Karen Rigley Page 0,2

you a free vacation?”

Or any vacation?

“It’ll be so peaceful and relaxing. You can drowse in the sun by a crystal blue lake, bird watch, or hike mountain trails. Whatever you want.”

“I can’t sun. You know I freckle.” Jami slid her hands up her arms, daydreaming of escaping Houston’s wool-blanket-heat to warm sunshine and pristine mountain breezes. She did like the idea of a mountain retreat and she hadn’t had a vacation in years. Besides, if Sierra needed some snapshots, what could it hurt?

“Please agree. I know you’ll love your Cupid match.”

“What if I don’t? A week is a long time to put up with a bad date.”

“Just pretend you enjoy each other for publicity shots.” Sierra’s dark brows peaked higher. “You don’t want to ruin our ad campaign, do you?”

“Me ruin your campaign?” Jami demanded. “You’re the one who tricked me into filling out that computer date questionnaire. I thought it was a dummy, not a real application. You programmed it into your dating service.”

“You ought to thank me.” Sierra’s voice rang with sincerity. “CupidKey is designed to select the perfect match. People pay a lot of money for a service like ours, and we’re finding Mr. Right for you free of charge.”

“I’m supposed to be grateful? I’ll probably hate him.”

“You won’t. He’s a real hunk.”

“You know him? Just who did that computer pair me with?”

“Ty’s brother, Grant.”

“What? A computer matched me with your brother-in-law? I don’t think so.”

“It did,” Sierra said in defense. “You have lots in common.”

“Like what?”

“Grant is a business consultant and you have a business.” Sierra ticked off the list on her fingers. “He likes kids—you have a kid. He likes to dance—you like to dance.”

“Three minor things?” Jami slung an arm over her face. “That dating form had a hundred questions.”

“I’m not through,” Sierra sniffed. “You like to cook—he likes to eat.”

Jami groaned.

“You have a scuba and diving shop—he enjoys diving. You enjoy dark chocolate—he enjoys it, too. You’re a woman and he enjoys women. A lot.”

Jami froze in horror. “A womanizer? You lined me up with a womanizer?”

Sierra stared wide-eyed at Jami. “Grant isn’t...”

“No way,” Jami ranted, exasperation surging through her as she cut off Sierra’s protest. “After Toby’s father cheated on me and destroyed our marriage, you know I vowed never to have anything to do with that kind of man again. Ever.”

“Grant is nothing like Doug. Your ex is a real jerk. But the Carrington brothers just naturally attract females. They’re irresistible.” A cloud-nine expression lit Sierra’s elfin face and her green eyes grew dreamy. “Ty has that same Carrington quality. I still can’t believe he chose me.”

“Oh, please.” Jami cleared the table and rinsed their lemonade glasses. “If you think I’m going to even consider a man who chases women.”

“I didn’t say Grant chases women. They chase him.”

“This is a bad idea.”

Obviously stricken, Sierra paled. “Please, Jami, you’re my best friend. You have to help me. Our whole business is riding on you.”

“I can’t,” Jami sputtered, certain she was doomed.

“It’s a law,” Sierra wailed. “We have to send a couple on the prize trip or face the consequences. What if Ty and I get sent to jail?”

“Jail?” Feeling like a traitor, Jami stared at her friend’s trembling mouth and teary eyes. How could she refuse? Yes, Sierra had always supported her even when others friends deserted her. Time to repay that friendship despite the reluctance thick in her chest. “Okay. I guess.”

“You’re the best!” Sierra threw her thin arms around Jami’s neck, hugging tightly. “I can’t ever thank you enough.”

“Yes, you can.”

“How?” She pulled back to gaze at Jami.

“No future matchmaking.”

“I promise.”

“Toby won’t appreciate me taking a vacation without him,” Jami said, half to herself as she imagined being separated from her dear little boy.

“It’ll be good for both of you.” Sierra smiled, sunshine breaking through clouds. “The Rockies are a perfect place for romance. You and Grant alone, without Toby.”

“Toby is part of me.”

“True, but you must admit the scamp has aborted several budding relationships with men,” Sierra reasoned with uncharacteristic logic.

“True, he doesn’t appreciate me dating.”

“See? A trip is perfect. The kid can’t do a thing to sabotage that.”

“Don’t underestimate my six-year-old darling. He’ll try.” Jami bit her bottom lip, tasting the waxy berry of her lip gloss. She’d never been apart from him a single night. “A week is a very long time.”

“Cheer up. He’ll stay safe with us here in Houston and you can relax.”

“I don’t know,” Jami began, wondering if there was another way and determined