Between You & Me - By Marisa Calin Page 0,3

see me but as I rub away the mist from my breath on the window that separates us from the world, she disappears into the bookstore on the corner. I could go after her, casually bump into her. It’s strangely tempting, the idea of seeing her in this world beyond school. I turn to say so but the waitress appears with my smiling pumpkin cookie, and my chance is lost.

My cookie stares up at me, its smile mocking me. One of its icing-eyes was smudged in the making and it looks like it’s winking. I pick it off and suck the icing from my finger. You’re talking about who’s already got together this year. I watch you stir your hot chocolate and do the same. It’s starting to feel too warm in here and I’m grateful for the cool air that spills in each time the door swings open. You catch my eye and smile, reviving my attempts to give you my full attention. It’s a good thing I didn’t go tearing down the street after Mia. I sit back in my seat, trying to feel glad I stayed, but my eyes flitter back and forth till the light begins to fade and the glass starts to show a reflection of myself.


In the crisp air, Peele’s glowing windows behind us, I can’t help glancing hopefully into the bookstore. It’s been nearly an hour but something still stops me from walking straight past. I swing around the awning in the doorway for a better look and the perfect excuse comes to me.


Did you see the reading list for English? There are a couple of things I don’t have. Wanna take a look?

I try for an indifferent nod toward the bookstore and you smile obligingly and follow me in without seeming to give it a thought.


We walk the shelves at the perimeter of the store but I don’t see even a glimpse of Mia’s plum-clad figure. Get a grip, Phyre. I shake myself. She wouldn’t still be here, she has better things to do than live in the bookstore! I scoop up a few books as my interest in pretending to shop vanishes and head straight to the register. You meander behind, flicking through books, actually interested, actually in the moment. I wish I didn’t feel as strangely distracted as I have all day. You reach the counter and buy something—from the glimpse I get, not a school text, but a book on cinema, which is weird; it’s more my thing. We head back into the evening air.


I look up into the navy blue twilight sky and skip ahead of you, trying to shake this feeling, wondering why it even mattered to me if Mia was still there. Tugging my sweater on, I turn to you with a busy smile.


Hey, so, do you like anyone this year?

You shrug and tap your toe in a puddle, sending a ripple out to the edges, your hands wedged into your pockets as always. All of a sudden, you have my complete attention.


You do! I can tell!

I swing at your arm.



You heard me, I know, and I can see you smiling as you turn away.


Come on! Tell me. I tell you everything!

You shrug again, evasively, but, despite another playful shove, give nothing else away, and tuck your chin in as we turn toward my house.


Stretched out on my bed, you’ve avoided any further conversation about romantic interests. I’m curled on the window seat, waving a pen with a pink streamer on the end, and not taking no for an answer:


There is someone, isn’t there? You have a crush!

A harmless crush? Right? The topic is unusually interesting to me today. I can’t see your face but I fling a pillow at you, which you catch with great satisfaction.


Quick like a cat!

I shake my head despairingly and take the moment to casually mention Mia, that I think she’s cool. Relieved—probably that I’m no longer badgering you—you perk up and roll onto your front.


Yeah, she seems nice.

Mm-hmm is my super-dynamic reply as you flip open the computer. I’m not a big social surfer but curiosity wins out now and again, and I hop onto the bed beside you. We scroll past the school hot list, which I made an appearance on last year but just for a week, and I’m glad not to feature on any scandal lists. Then there are the gossip pages but we spend