All the Things You Never Knew - By Angealica Hewley Page 0,1


“Like he knows anything. Always in his cups and dallying away with


“I know you don’t like him, but his lordship isn’t that bad,” Rose

said, smiling as she turns to pinch her friend on the cheeks. “Besides,

he’s an honorable man. He would never do such a thing. It’s only your

imagination, True that he drinks sometimes, but he’s a man. What can

you say?”

“I say he’s unfaithful,” Susannah answered, moving to look at the

rack of dresses beside her. “And would not bring you much


“He makes me quite happy, actually,” Rose said picking up one

of the white dresses she had left on the floor and hanging it back up on

the rack.

“Oh, please tell me you’ve found a dress to your taste, m’lady,”

said Madame Marionette de Florette, shop owner of Florette’s Dress


“I’m afraid there are too many to adore that I cannot decide on

which one to pick,” Rose answered. “I think I’ll wait for a day when

my fiancé is not too busy so he can come and help me decide.” “Oh, that will be splendid,” Madame Marionette exclaimed. Then

to Susannah, “You’ve got to find your true amour soon and return to

get your wedding dress. I’ll be waiting here to be call at your service.” “I’m afraid I’ll just find an unfaithful drunken arse like somebody

here and have to shoot him dead,” Susannah replied, looking back at


“That’s most improper of you to say, Susannah!” Rose said,

alarmed. “My apologies, Madame Marionette. I’m afraid it’s time for

Susy and I to get back home to not miss our uh…afternoon tea.” “Oh, that’s all right, ma cherie,” Madame Marionette said

cheerfully. “I’ll be waiting for your return. Au revoir.”

Rose took Susannah by the arm and dragged her out of the door

into the carriage.

“I truly appreciated that comment in there,” Rose said crossly,

tapping on the wall for the footman to drive away. “You didn’t have to

say that to Madame Marionette.”

“You know what I said was true,” Susannah argued. “Why can’t

you see that he’s no good?”

“Because he is good,” Rose countered. “He’s nice and gentle. Ah

and charmingly sweet.”

“I think I’m going to spew up pebbles,” Susannah said, making a

sick face and fanning herself with her hand. “Ugh, I need some air in


“Stop it, Susy,” Rose laughed, swatting at Susannah’s hand.

“Lord Lansing is the most charming man in the world.”

“I’ve heard that before,” said Susannah. “It was to a different

beau though. What’s his name again? Hm…it was–”

“Don’t you dare say it,” Rose snapped menacingly. “Don’t you


“Why not?” asked Susannah. “He is who qualifies to be called

charming. He is who’s nice and gentle. He is who you can trust to be


“Stop! Stop!” Rose cried, covering her ears. “Please, just stop.

There’s no one that can compare to Lord Lansing.”

“That is where you’re wrong,” Susannah said. “You know well


“Leon is nothing to me!” Rose fumed. “He is nothing!”

“Ah, yes,” Susannah clapped. “Leon. Monsieur Leon Heartily,

that’s his name. Thanks for reminding me.”

“You’re not welcome,” Rose answered irately.

“Surprising that you still remember his name after all these

years,” said Susannah. “You don’t actually think I will believe you

when you say he’s nothing to you, do you?”

“Susannah, I don’t want to talk about this.”

“But I do.”

“Please stop torturing me,” said Rose, flinging her arm over her

eyes. “I’ve worked hard enough to forget him.”

“But you never did forget, did you?

Rose pales and turned away to look out the window without a


“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“You don’t understand, Susy,” Rose murmured with a sigh. “I understand one thing for sure,” Susannah replied. “You still

love him.”

“I don’t!” Rose protested. “I don’t love him–not anymore. Not

even an inch!”

“Or so you say,” Susannah countered. “Tell me, do you love Lord

Lansing then?”

“Of course I do!” Rose blurted. “Why would I want to marry

Marcus if I don’t love him?”

“Oh, so now he’s Marcus?” Susannah smirked and went on. “I

don’t see it,” she said. “I just don’t see it. It was different. Different

from the way you were with–”

“You have no idea, Susy. Please, let’s not talk of it anymore.” “Very well, but still, I know you don’t love Lord Lansing.” There were no more comments made for the remainder of the ride.

Rose felt like crying as she reflects back to the past. She didn’t want to.

She had spent ten years of her life forgetting, yet something always brings

it back.


She had loved him very much.

He was like the world to her.

And yes, Susannah was right. He is who qualifies to be called

charming. He is who’s nice and gentle.

But he is not one you can trust to be faithful.

That was where Susannah went wrong.

He had broken her heart by–

Rose couldn’t