The Alexandria Link Page 0,3

overtly pretentious, just a European sedan of muted color, a common sight on busy Austrian roads. The perfect means of transportation to avoid attention from terrorists, criminals, police, and inquisitive reporters. One more car arrived and deposited its passengers, then headed off to wait among the dark trees in a paved lot. Two more appeared a few minutes later. The Blue Chair, satisfied, left his second-floor bedchamber and descended to ground level.

The meeting convened in the usual place.

Five gilded, straight-backed armchairs rested atop a Hungarian carpet in a wide circle. The chairs were identical except for one, which sported a royal blue scarf across its cushioned back. Next to each chair stood a gilded table that supported a bronze lamp, a writing pad, and a crystal bell. To the left of the circle a fire bristled inside a stone hearth, its light dancing nervously across the ceiling murals.

A man occupied each chair.

They were designated in descending order of seniority. Two of the men still possessed their hair and health. Three were balding and frail. All were at least seventy years old and dressed in sedate suits, their dark chesterfields and gray homburgs hanging on brass racks off to one side. Behind each stood another man, younger-the Chair's successor, present to listen and learn but not to be heard. The rules were long standing. Five Chairs, four Shadows. The Blue Chair was in charge.

"I apologize for the late hour, but some disturbing information arrived a few hours ago." The Blue Chair's voice was strained and wispy. "Our latest venture may be in jeopardy."

"Exposure?" Chair Two asked.


Chair Three sighed. "Can the problem be solved?"

"I think so. But prompt action is needed."

"I cautioned we should not interfere in this," Chair Two sternly reminded, shaking his head. "Things should have been allowed to run their natural course."

Chair Three agreed, as he had at the previous meeting. "Perhaps this is a signal that we should leave well enough alone. A lot can be said about the natural order of things."

The Blue Chair shook his head. "Our last vote was contrary to such a course. The decision has been made, so we must adhere to it." He paused. "The situation requires attention."

"Completion would involve tact and skill," Chair Three said. "Undue attention would defeat the purpose. If we intend to press forward, then I recommend we grant die Klauen der Adler full authority to act."

The Talons of the Eagle.

Two others nodded.

"I've already done that," the Blue Chair said. "I called this gathering because my earlier, unilateral action required ratification."

A motion was made, hands raised.

Four to one, the matter was approved.

The Blue Chair was pleased.



MALONE'S BUILDING SHOOK LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE AND swelled with a rush of heat that soared up through the stairwell. He dove for Pam and together they slammed into a threadbare rug that covered the plank floor. He shielded her as another explosion rocked the foundation and more flames surged their way.

He gazed out the doorway.

Fires raged below.

Smoke billowed upward in an ever-darkening cloud.

He came to his feet and darted to the window. The two men were gone. Flames licked the night. He realized what had happened. They'd torched the lower floors. The idea wasn't to kill them.

"What's happening?" Pam screamed.

He ignored her and raised the window. Smoke was rapidly conquering the air inside.

"Come on," he said, and he hustled into the bedroom.

He reached beneath the bed and yanked out the rucksack he always kept ready, even in retirement, just as he'd done for twelve years as a Magellan Billet agent. Inside was his passport, a thousand euros, spare identification, a change of clothes, and his Beretta with ammunition. His influential friend Henrik Thorvaldsen had only recently reobtained the gun from the Danish police-confiscated when Malone had become involved with the Knights Templar a few months back.

He shouldered the bag and slipped his feet into a pair of running shoes. No time to tie the laces. Smoke consumed the bedroom. He opened both windows, which helped.

"Stay here," he said.

He held his breath and trotted through the den to the stairwell. Four stories opened up below. The ground floor housed his bookshop, the second and third floors were for storage, the fourth held his apartment. The first and third floors were ablaze. Heat scorched his face and forced him to retreat. Incendiary grenades. Had to be.

He rushed back to the bedroom.

"No way out from the stairs. They made sure of that."

Pam was huddled next to the window gulping air and coughing. He brushed past her